zaterdag 9 januari 2010


I decided I'd give the English blogging a chance too... see how far it will get me... :)

Ready to write about anything, just something worth writing about, and my mind is blank... my fingers were ready to start, but nothing in my head, and then, there it is... my theme for tonight: MOVING... Strange topic, since I'm not moving, but there's a lot I can share about moving!

I would love to talk about all the places I have lived, but I don't want to go overboard on this first English blog... so I'll quickly give you a little tiny tour! I was born in Belgium, as a Dutch girl, my parents had moved from the Netherlands to Belgium about 5 years before I was born (just going by story counting mom, correct me if I'm wrong please). I lived 3 years in Winksele, then 9 years in Kessel-Lo and then 7 years in Wilsele! That brings me to the age of 19! That's when I got married and moved to Friesland, the Netherlands! We lived there for almost 4 years! And now we are here, in Canada, for almost 5 years! (*)

I don't want to say I've moved a lot in my life, but the last two moves I've made were a big impact on my own life! You step into a whole new world, all by yourself! Ok, Tjipke was there with me, but he had already lived in Friesland for so many years, and he knew the language... :) Not me... :) And who had to get the groceries?? And who had to walk the dog and 'talk' to people... yes, that would be me!! But I survived! I worked in a nursing home, and all the ladies LOVED teaching me some 'Frysk'! :D And all the teens LOVED listening to my silly Flemish! :D
And then we moved to Canada... Across the big ocean! But the language was on my side this time! ha! I knew some English! And I'm still surviving today! :D

But that was not why I wanted to write about moving! I wanted to write more about the emotional side of it! Cause there are quiet some emotions involved!
You have to say goodbye to everyone, again...
The first move wasn't too bad... Even though it was hard to be 3 hours away from my parents, it was only 3 hours! We were there every birthday, every special occasion, any weekend off! It was only 3 hours! But then the second move... quiet a bit harder: You have no idea when you will see everyone again... + there were so many more people to say goodbye too... Since you've just build a 'new' life!
Now, almost 5 years later, I can't imagine my life without my new friends! I miss my family a lot! But I LOVE living in Canada!! I just wish we would live a little closer to Sackville... but hey, you can't have everything... :) LOL!

I gotta go now, I'm tired... wanted to write so much more... maybe next time... I'm actually liking this English blogging.. lol!! :)

* Could someone PLEASE explain to me WHY my Dutch accent is so much stronger then my Flemish?? I've only lived there for almost 4 years, that's even shorter then the time I've lived in Canada, and I've lived in Belgium for 19 years!!

2 opmerkingen:

ReinieReinie zei

Because Dutch ís stronger :-) It happens to everyone! Move to Belgium and you keep talking Dutch. Move to Holland and in a while you talk Dutch :-s But can you explain why I have this six (6) times in my Google Reader???

The Zijlstra's zei

haha!! It's not supposed to go to google reader that many times... it is however supposed to go to Facebook... :s